Category Archives: future

The future is already here, it’s just not worth distributing yet

In 1975, Steve Sasson of Kodak invented the first portable digital camera. It was a camera that didn’t use any film to capture still images – a camera that would capture images using a CCD imager and digitize the captured … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, future | 4 Comments

Presentation: Design for an Augment Reality world

For posterity here is the slideshare version of my Augmented Reality talk, which I presented for the first time at Refresh Events in Toronto. As a first cut, this presentation represented more of a shotgun scattershot rather than a linearly … Continue reading

Posted in android, apps, Archive, Augmented Reality, conferences, design, events, Experimental, future, lawsofmedia, mcluhan, social media, socialmedia, socialplatforms, ubicomp, wireless | Tagged , , , , | 34 Comments

How the mobile web and “augmented reality” changes retail forever

At South by southwest interactive this week (SXSW) a huge theme was “augmented reality” the idea of, Amazon-app style, pointing your phone at any product to get more information -or a better price- online. We’re getting to a world where … Continue reading

Posted in Archive, Augmented Reality, conferences, dead media, design, future, sxsw | 1 Comment