Author Archives: Thomas Purves

Insights from New York Fintech Week 2024

  It’s a sign of strong conference content when you are constantly wish you could be in every conversation track at the same time. Thanks to Empire Startups for putting together a stacked program for this year’s Empire Fintech Conference … Continue reading

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Could the recent concession on interchange actually be a boon the card networks?

2w • There’s a way of thinking about the job that interchange fees actually are. The bulk of interchange fees flow back to cardholders in the form of rewards (particularly points or cashback on purchases) as well as general card … Continue reading

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Dieter Rams’ 10 principles of SaaS API design

For those of you who’ve spent time at design school, or even just walked past the halls of one, you’ve probably heard of Dieter Ram’s 10 principles of industrial design. For anyone who’s spent the odd decade or two building … Continue reading

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