Category Archives: Archive

I was a little… early predicting Apple’s big switch to ditch Intel’s chips

It’s been several years since I blogged regularly. Belatedly, here I am cleaning out the dusty attic of this wordpress domain, and I stumble upon this gem in anciently saved drafts. “Apple CPUs should be fast enough to start replacing … Continue reading

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Punk-ass Ska Indie Yidcore etc Christmas Mix 2016 Update

It feels like just yesterday (7 years ago) that I was putting the finishing touches on the last version of this Christmas mix. And although still packed full of timeless classics, it did feel like high time for an update. … Continue reading

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Steering the future of wearables, before our wearables are wearing us

At my table, is a sheet with a simple question. What is the long future of ‘wearables’? the probable, the possible, the negative or the positive. A) Clearly the capabilities, powers and individual agency of our things trends ever upwards. … Continue reading

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