Toronto tech week is coming

In case you haven’t heard, Toronto Tech week is almost upon us. My top picks for next week:

THE CORPORATE ADOPTION OF WEB 2.0 Monday, Sept 22. Sounds like a good panel, and a bunch of great Canadian web companies will be represented as this event is (somehow) combined with the Pick20 web2.0 awards.

Entrepreneurial Summit Tuesday Sept 23, with lots of content all day.

The future forward event Thursday and Friday. Highlight here could be the chance to hear Ross Mayfield of SocialText on Friday morning.

This ain’t quite SXSW or Cebit yet, but the idea behind TTW is a good one. A concentrated week of events to help connect Canadian innovators and to help raise the profile for a lot of great stuff that’s already happening in this part of the country. Lastly it’s a way for mainstream users and businesses to find out about and get caught up on social media and other recent new web technologies.

In theory, that’s a set of goals all of us in the industry should be getting behind.

Here’s the registration page for all the official TechWeek events

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2 Responses to Toronto tech week is coming

  1. Sameer Vasta says:

    I’ll be at the Corporate Adoption of the Web 2.0 event. See you there?

  2. Sameer Vasta says:

    I’ll be at the Corporate Adoption of the Web 2.0 event. See you there?

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